Products Digital Art

Camera Crazy Kit



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Whether you are a professional photographer, love family photographs, are a memory keeper, or love photography, you can't have enough camera-inspired digital art

Item Details

Whether you are a professional photographer, love family photographs, are a memory keeper, or love photography, you can't have enough camera-inspired digital art! This fun and modern camera digital art kit is great for accenting your favorite photography pages. This photography elements only kit includes various modern, digital camera and photography photo studio equipment. Elements include camera bag, cameras, digital cameras, lenses, filters, flash, flash drives, floppy disk, hard drive, EHD, computer keyboard, lens cap, fisheye lens, distance lens, telescope lens, photography memory cards, mirrorless cameras, mobile device cameras, pocket instamatic cameras, polaroid, photography waterproof camera, lighting, selfie stick, photography studio backdrop, studio lights, drawing tablet, drawing pen, stylus, photography tripod, video camera, and DVD CD player. The Camera Crazy Kit is included in the Camera Crazy Bundle. Designer: Roxanne Buchholz, Lucky Girl Creative

SKU: ARTKIT-K0004-01794

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