Products Digital Art

Around the Yard Elements



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If you love playing in the backyard, mowing the lawn, landscaping, or gardening, then this elements kit is what you are looking for.

Item Details

If you love playing in the backyard, mowing the lawn, landscaping, gardening, or enjoying the outdoors and nature, then this digital scrapbooking elements kit is what you are looking for. Embellishments include birds, hen, chicken, rooster, fox, groundhog, raccoon, squirrel, annual flowers, chicken coop, backyard, birdbath, bird house, brick, dirt, electric meter, fireflies, garden gnome, garden hose, she shed, storage shed, gas meter, propane tank, grass, lawn, greenhouse, grill, barbeque, gas grill, charcoal grill, ant, bug, insect, beetle, bee, earthworm, ladybug, spider, termite, bug zapper, ladder, lawn mower, push mower, ride on mower, turf roll, rototiller, cultivator, sprayer, trailer, firepit, fireplace, patio heater, stone paver, pile of leaves, pizza over, playground, play gym, swings, slide, bridge, raised garden planter, carport, solar panel, shovel, trimmer, rake, tools, trash bag, garbage bag, tree pruner, jacuzzi, hot tub, watering can, dandelion, weeds, weed wacker, wheelbarrow, fence, and wood pile. This kit is included in the Around the Yard Mega Bundle. Designer: Roxanne Buchholz, Lucky Girl Creative

SKU: ARTKIT-K0004-02475

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