If you have been with pixels2Pages for any length of time, it is possible you have amassed hundreds and even thousands of Blueprints. While we cannot tag or categorize our Blueprints, this tip will give you a level of organization that will change your world.
Fonts can be very powerful in Artisan. Beyond their typical use for journaling and titles, they can be used as Shapes and Text Shapes. They can also be converted to Font Kits that can be used in the cutting tools, to create patterned Strokes and more. Fonts can be anything from letters to decorative images and you have a wide selection to choose from for personal use. This tip will show you how simple it is to install new fonts for use in Artisan.
This tip will show you how to create a Facebook profile that doesn't contain private information and how to join the FOREVER pixels2Pages™ Community page on Facebook.
Tired of typing out long drawn out messages over and over again on your cell phone? This tip will make it easy to share information about FOREVER and your personal referral links with just a few key strokes.
Is OneDrive causing problems with your use of FOREVER Artisan? This tip will help you manage OneDrive by preventing your Artisan project folders and Digital Art from syncing with OneDrive.
In the previous Tip in this series, we reviewed Speaker View and Screen View and we showed you how to get the best view possible when you are participating in a webinar. In this section, we will show you how you can engage in the webinar and get answers to your questions.
Here is a tip on how to get your External Hard Drive (EHD) to always keep the same drive letter, no matter what sequence you put it into your computer.
Do you have "a lot" of digital art? Well, there is not a right or wrong answer. It is all perspective. 100 kits or 1,000 kits can be "a lot." When you have a lot of digital art, there comes a time when you need to manage that art. Nothing is truly stored in Artisan software. Artisan operates by looking at various windows folders on your computer. This tip will review several ways you can use Windows Explorer to manage your digital art.
As a part of the pixels2Pages family, you will participate in many live webinars. The pixels2Pages team uses Zoom for their webinars. This tip will give you a few pointers to optimize your experience when participating in a live webinar.
When viewing your Blueprints from the File Explorer folder, if you only see the Artisan logo and not a preview of the Blueprint image, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue.
There are situations where you might need to uninstall Artisan and then reinstall. Removing Artisan (uninstalling) only removes the program. If you need to do this, you will not lose any current projects, content, or any of your settings.
For those of you in the market for a new computer, please have a look at this month's earlier tips and their accompanying webinar (links at the end of this post). By popular demand, today's tip will be a 'twofer' regarding computer specifications. First, I'm posting what Forever's awesome IT guy Tom shared with us regarding what Artisan users should look for in a computer and why. He's conveniently broken this down to meet a variety of needs and budgets.
Have you ever wished you could quickly access the p2P website from your smartphone? Or maybe the Forever website and Design & Print? Here's an easy way to add those shortcuts to the home screen of your phone - it's the next best thing to having an app!
Today's tip is part of our ongoing Tip+Webinar series, Computer Basics for Artisan Users. This tip will discuss what some of those terms mean for you, especially when considering what kind of computer works best for Artisan users. While I will not be recommending any specific computers, you should have an idea what kinds of things to look for when computer shopping, and you should be able to talk knowledgeably with the salesperson. Remember, the salesperson doesn't have a clue what you need to run Artisan and Historian optimally, so you need to know what you are looking for!