Showing posts with tag "Category: Design Principle".


Tip: Photo Sequencing

Create visually dynamic layouts with photos that use a combination of depth, candid/camera aware and orientation.

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Design Principle: Proportion (Webinar plus Tip Series)

We’re nearing the end of our Tip+Webinar series on Design Principles, and today we’ll be discussing proportion and how it affects the look of our scrapbook pages. Proportion is a critical thread between art and mathematics and is an important principle of architecture. Proportion in art and architecture is how we see the elements and spaces that make up one structure (or grouping) and how they relate to other structures and to the whole composition.

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Design Principle: Rhythm (Webinar plus Tip Series)

In today’s tip, we will explore the design principle of rhythm and how it appears on your digital scrapbook pages. Generally, when we hear the word rhythm, we think of music, sound, or poetry.

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Design Principle: Contrast (Webinar plus Tip Series)

This tip is the fourth in a series of Tips+Webinars on Design Principles, and it will expand our discussion of the principle of contrast. Over the last two months, we explored the principle of dominance and how we use visual hierarchy to focus attention on particular elements on our scrapbook pages and to captivate our viewers. In those discussions, we introduced the principle of contrast, and today, we’ll take a deeper dive into that concept.

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Design Principle: Dominance Part Two - Visual Hierarchy (Webinar plus Tip Series)

This is the third tip in our tip + webinar series on design principles as they relate to creating scrapbook pages, and it’s part two of the tip on the design principle of dominance. Last month we started talking about creating dominance using emphasis and contrast, and today, we’ll discuss visual hierarchy.

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Design Principle: Dominance Part One - Emphasis and Contrast (Webinar plus Tip Series)

This is the second tip in our tip + webinar series on design principles as they relate to creating scrapbook pages. Last month we covered the principle of balance and its corollary, symmetry. Today we’ll be talking about dominance, and next month we’ll discuss the related subject of visual hierarchy. The recorded webinar that accompanies this tip will be posted on 28 February 2019 as part of your membership offerings.

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Video Tidbit: Design Principles - White Space

Can you name the Top Ten reasons to pay attention to the white space on your page layouts? Watch this new video in our Design Principles series and see if you thought of the same ten reasons!  In this video, Penny explains the concept of white space (negative space) and how using it effectively can enhance the visual appeal and readability of your pages.

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Video Tidbit: Design Principles – Design to a Grid

This video is another in our series of videos looking at some principles for good design you can use to make visually appealing pages. This video has been edited to remove content which was recorded in Artisan 4 and no longer relevant to the latest versions of Artisan.

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Video Tidbit: Design Principles - The Visual Triangle

This is the first in a new series of videos from pixels2Pages looking at some principles for good design you can use to make visually appealing pages. In this video, we look at the principle of the Visual Triangle - what it is and how you can use it to create pages with movement, focus and balance.

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You've reached the end. 13 total posts shown.