Showing posts with tag "Button: Insert> Text".


Tech Tip: Text From Phone Images to Project

While traveling, visiting museums or unusual places, have you ever taken a picture of a sign with information about your location or what you are viewing? Do you then pull up that picture and painstakingly re-type all the information into your project? Read on to find the easy way to get text from images off your phone and into your projects.

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Bright Idea 394: Say It with a Song

Create a musical embellishment that contains a favorite lyric or poem. All you need is a chunky script and your Artisan skills. While parts of this technique are a bit more advanced, anyone can learn to accomplish this design.

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Start2Finish: Best Friends

How can you merge two favorite photos into a single image? Discover the art of creating this illusion by utilizing the erase and opacity tools in Artisan.

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Start2Finish: Itinerary

Watch as I create a fun travel itinerary page using rectangles and text boxes.

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Start2Finish: Warsaw

Watch as Cindy makes a chapter starter page from Start 2 Finish. This will be the first page in her Baltic States book beginning the section on Warsaw, Poland.

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