Tool Tip: Easy Color Picker
Learn how to select the exact pixel color desired when using the Color picker Sample.
Learn how to select the exact pixel color desired when using the Color picker Sample.
Learn how to save your frequently used colors.
The Grid cutter and color sampling combine to create a page with a clean and refreshing style.
This Bright Idea uses the colors from your photos for design inspiration on your layout. You will use the color sampler tool to select the perfect color to highlight your photo.
When you create a Custom Color Palette, your borders will always match the photographs on your digital page. And those special colors sampled from your photographs will be kept safely for you until you return to finish the page or choose to create a double page spread using the same colors.
This fun Start2Finish shows Anne using the Sample and Apply tool on photo frames for an "ah ha" moment! The Grid cutter and color sample tools are also used on the colorful border.
Have you ever looked through all the content you own and been unable to find just the right one to use with your photos?
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