Crop Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are our Frequently Asked Questions related to pixels2Pages™ Crops. We hope you find it helpful.

What is a Virtual Crop?

It is similar to an in-person scrapbooking event but done in the comfort of your own home and/or with friends and at your own pace. The pixels2Pages™ Team will provide a fun combination of Videos, Challenges, games, Blueprints, and digital art recommendations. You create pages using these offerings, learn something new, and make progress on completing a project that you can print at the FOREVER Store.

Do I have to register?

No. Registration is NOT required. You just show up and have fun! A pixels2Pages™ Membership is required to access most of the offerings.

What should I do to prepare for the crop?

Organize your photos and have groups of photos selected for each offering. Think in terms of one crop offering equals one or two pages, then set a goal for how many pages you’d like to complete. The more prepared you are, the more you’ll get done! HERE is a tip about preparing for p2P Crops.

Where will I find the crop offerings?

All offerings will be posted on this site. You can access all of the offerings in the order they have posted by using the Interactive Agenda which is linked in the related offerings on the right side of every post. If you are a Facebook user, we will post shout-outs for each offering on the pixels2Pages Facebook Page. We will not post any other items on our page during the crop so that the most recent offering will always be at the top of the page, just below the agenda.

Most of our crop activity will take place in the pixels2Pages Community Facebook Group. That is where you and other croppers will post your completed pages. We invite you to see what others have posted and comment on them if you want. That’s a great way to get inspired and motivated if you get stuck, and it’s fun to do when you need a break!

How can I share my pages?

We ask that you share your completed pages in the pixels2Pages™ Community Facebook Group. Your page must use a pixels2Pages™ offering and feature only content purchased in the FOREVER Store. Retired content and content now owned by FOREVER under the StoryBook Legacy™ brand are welcome. We ask that you credit the offerings and digital art you used in the caption of your post.

How do I share my pages if I don’t have Facebook?

The pixels2Pages™ Team will create a FOREVER Collaborative Album where you can upload your completed pages. While most of our games and drawings require you to participate in the crop in the pixels2Pages Community Facebook Group, you will have an opportunity to win prizes by adding your pages to the Collaborative Album if you are not a Facebook user. To use a Collaborative Album, you will need to have a FOREVER Storage Account or a free Intro Account. You will first upload your layout to your FOREVER Storage or Intro Account and add the appropriate credits to the description of your image. You can then add your image into our Collaborative Album directly from your library. Alternatively, use THIS TIP to add credits to your pages first, then upload them directly to the Collaborative Album.